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Little Book Company ebook platform increases your sales worldwide.

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Dear Publishers,

Welcome to The Little Book Company!

The Little Book Company is a digital platform for bookselling and publishing for you.

Increase your Sales

This platform increases your sales by providing you the opportunity to reach customers world wide.

E-Books Transformation

We provide a platform for publishers to showcase their books and sell them as e-books. The Little Book Company Transforms your published books into E-books for this platform.

Paperback and Hardcopy Versions

While your books are available on this platform as E-books, customers can also order the hardcopy version (paperback). The delivery of publishers’ paperback and hardback copies is the responsibility of each Publisher.

Sales Tracking and Offers

All sales and payments are made on this platform. Publishers are able to sell their books online on our platform and receive direct online payments.

Dedicated Individual Publisher Portal for Monitoring of Sales and Payments

Publishers on our platform have access to their own individual account dashboard which allows them to monitor their book sales and the payment transfers to them from The Little Book Company for their sales earnings.

Agreement Policies

Each publisher signs an online agreement with The Little Book Company (here) before books are placed on this platform. The agreement enables the Publisher to receive payments for their book sales through payment transfers from the Little Book Company to the Publisher

Easy Payment Transfer

Payment transfers from the Little Book Company to the Publisher for paperbacks and hardcopies will be made after delivery of the book (s) has been received by the customer.

Customer Rating

This platform allows you to have rating based initiation of book based over customer rating.

Payment Modes Available!